Tell Your Story.

We are interviewing 100 women in 100 days about the defining moments in your lives and how money helped or hurt those moments.

Our Privacy Commitment

Having women open up to us about their life and finances is a privilege that we take seriously. Our interviews will be recorded for a transcript; however, these transcripts will never be shared beyond The Hilda Project and will be destroyed after six months.

We believe strongly in personal data rights and will never share your personal information. We may ask for your approval to use a quote from your interview in the final report but we will never publish anything from your interview without your consent, which can be revoked at any time.

We will ask all of our interviewees to complete a short survey in advance of the interview so we have a baseline understanding of your life and financial situation. The survey will be used internally as interview prep and the records will also be destroyed after six months.

If you have any questions about how we collect and use personal information, please do not hesitate to ask.